Top 9 Mistakes Your Bulk Email Services Providers Might be Making in 2024

Bulk Email Services

Email marketing has always been an important piece of digital marketing success for businesses. Hence, it also won’t be wrong to say that hiring Bulk Email Services has become necessary sooner or later to establish a strong presence in the digital world. However, sometimes people complain that they have not received any significant benefits from professional bulk email marketing services, even after trying them for a year or more. Now, the question here is why? What could go wrong? Experienced Bulk Email Service Companies can analyze the non-performing factor and optimize accordingly. Have you hired an inexperienced company or fallen into the trap of Cheap Bulk Email Pricing? These may be affecting your campaign’s success. 

Now, many things could go wrong and we are here to highlight some of the most important ones that your Bulk Email Service Company might be making. Let us dive deep into it.

9 Mistakes to Watch Out by Companies Offering Bulk Email Services for Businesses

1. Ignoring or Missing the Purpose

This is one of the most common mistakes one may make while running a bulk email campaign. It is also the biggest one. You should have a purpose for email marketing and if you are confused, no results will be received. So, highlight why you want to set up an email marketing campaign. In general, there could be many reasons like increasing web traffic, generating leads, form fills, and more.

Remember, without the purpose, you cannot add the right CTA to your email copy. Inexperienced or Cheap Bulk Email Services Providers may not pay attention to this but, businesses should.

2. Defining Your Success Metrics

There could be a different definition of success for all. What is yours? Confused!

If we talk about in terms of Bulk Email Marketing Services, you must know the bar at which you call your campaign successful. Without defining this metric, if you have started email marketing, how will you decide the results?

For example, if the purpose of your campaign is to get clicks on the CTA, then you have to decide the numbers as well. Like, if you have set a target of 25% then you can easily calculate and analyze the campaign’s success.

Defining the success metric, you can optimize your strategy accordingly in non-performing cases while saving time, money, and effort.

3. Updating the Target Audience’s List

Email marketing is a very powerful tool and we all know that. It can help convert a lead into a customer. However, if you forget to mark that your next email may not hit the right spot. Sometimes, you may end up losing that customer. This is why you must keep updating the audience’s list. It helps customize the email copy based on the recipient and drive more conversions.

For example, if you are interacting with someone who is already a subscriber and still you are sending a mail that says “subscribe to our newsletter or so,” this can create trust issues. This shows that you do not know your subscribers. Similarly, sending a marketing mail offering a discount on the first purchase to someone who is your regular customer will sound unprofessional.

So, your bulk email services must keep upgrading your audiences/subscribers list to ensure that the right message is delivered to the right person.

4. Improper Planning

An experienced bulk email provider in India will always create a step-wise plan before starting things up. However, some companies may just set up a campaign without any detailed plan. This small email marketing mistake can hurt later. So, what kind of plan we are talking about here? Let us unfold this.

Bulk email services are not just about sending emails to a large audience and waiting for their responses. It is much more than that. Being a professional, you cannot just send a mail stating to buy your products or services, especially, when you are a new market entrant. There should be a process that needs to be planned early. The first step always is to introduce yourself and tell your target audience why they should choose you. Besides this, you must know when to pitch to the interested audience for sale. It could be either after they have clicked the CTA or have visited your website. This could vary depending on your business and goals.

So, if you do not have a proper plan for all this, no one will know where your campaign is going. Check out this.

5. Using Similar Subject Lines

A subject line is something a recipient sees first in his/her inbox. Based on that, the importance of mail is decided by the recipient. Now, if you have been using subject lines with a similar tone or text despite not getting a satisfactory response, either the company for bulk email services you’ve hired is inexperienced or it does not want to make any effort.

If you are a business, you should know that subject lines play a key role in the success of an email marketing campaign. Expert firms offering Bulk Email Services for Businesses will often try different subject lines for different audiences to improve ROI. This is how things should be. A/B testing is a part of digital success, be it email marketing or paid ads.

So, be smart with the subject lines and make sure that they resonate with the message. 

6. Hiring Freelancers to Write Email Copies

Well, we are not saying that it is not good to hire freelance writers. It’s perfectly fine. What’s wrong here is not providing enough information about your business and the goal of writing email copies.

Yes, this is the mistake more inexperienced bulk email service companies may make. Getting email copies written by someone who does not know the purpose will get you nowhere.

So, if you are hiring freelance writers to write email marketing copies for your campaign do provide information about for whom the email is, what is your goal, what information you want to provide to your audience, and your CTA. This way, you may get a better draft.

7. Using the Sales-Heavy Language

With the changing trends and target audiences, your marketing emails need not sound too formal. We know that such emails are sent on behalf of a business or a brand but, personalizing them according to the readers can drive more conversions. Sales-heavy language is becoming a bit old-school and some bulk email providers in India are still relying on this. However, sometimes such a language is necessary but not always.

To avoid this, you can use words like “you” and “we” in your email copy. This creates a conversational tone and makes email more readable. As a result, you will be able to convey your message in a better way.

8. One Email Many CTAs

If you have more than one email marketing purpose, over-smart companies that provide bulk email services will stack all your CTAs in a single email. What do you think of this? Will it work? Will the recipients interact? The one-word answer to this is “NO.” This tactic will be a failure. Such a marketing email depicts that you are confused about the goals of running a campaign.

By saying all this, we never meant to say that your email should have only one CTA but, having too many is not a good idea. This is where the concept of A/B testing comes in. Check what drives you more interactions one CTA, two, or three. Accordingly, you can balance the buttons in your email copies.

9. More Emails More Conversions

The term “bulk email services” resonates with sending large volume emails to achieve marketing goals. And rightly so, this is how this marketing strategy works. However, an experienced Bulk Email Provider in India will never make the mistake of sending bulk emails repetitively to a single target audience list. Well, some beginners may practice this, and the result will be an increase in the number of people sidelining you either by marking you as spam or unsubscribing you.

Remember, if you have 5 segregated lists of your target audience you need not target them daily. This will only harm your reputation. Your recipients may get frustrated and they may unfollow/block you. One email per week per recipient is enough to maintain a good relationship and achieve your goals. They receive hundreds of other emails daily as well and there is a good chance of getting your emails ignored.

So, based on your industry type and target audience, define the right frequency of sending marketing emails to get the best results. 

Wrapping it Up

Everyone makes mistakes and that’s normal but, not learning from them is the biggest mistake of all. Digital marketing is a service that demands experiments to get the right solution and mistakes are common in this field. However, knowing what kind of mistakes one may make can alert you in the process and help rectify it before much damage is done. In this post, we have highlighted some of the most common mistakes bulk email services companies may make, especially the newer/inexperienced ones. So, grab it up and serve your clients better.


About the author

Varun Rastogi

I am a professional digital marketer with over 6+ years of working experience in the digital marketing field. Having worked in SEO, SMM, PPC, and other areas, I know how to bring your brand to the top of the web.

I have worked across many sectors with a special focus on initiating growth and increasing online presence. Always enshrined in the online environment, I still explore even more opportunities for companies in the digital environment.

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