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5 Proven Roadmaps to Improve Your Email Campaign Performance

5 Proven Roadmaps to Improve Your Email Campaign

One of the best forms of direct marketing is email marketing. And why not? It has proven to be an effective form of marketing for decades for all business niches. However, the strategies and tactics used to run email marketing campaigns decide the success.

They need to be tailored depending on the business type. Well, there are certain things that every email marketer must adopt to maximize the performance. In this post, we will discuss 5 proven elements to boost the performance of your email marketing campaigns. Before we move on to our topic, let us have a quick look at why email marketing is valuable for your business.

Why Email Marketing is Important?

Email marketing as the name suggests is a form of digital marketing in which businesses send emails to their target audience to promote their products or services.

It is one of the strongest pillars of the digital marketing landscape. The reason behind this is that emails provide a channel of direct communication with your clients. You can interact with them one-to-one to address their concerns while establishing a strong relationship. 

Besides building brand loyalty, email marketing also boosts conversions and enhance ROI.

Moreover, emails also generate trust among the customers and assure them about the genuineness of the brand. Well, to enhance the success of email marketing campaigns, some parameters need to be considered. Let us unfold what those are.

5 Proven Steps to Improve Email Campaign Performance

1. Improve Email Deliverability

To boost your email campaign, the first thing you need to focus on is to ensure that most of your emails are delivered. Here, deliverability means that the emails should reach the inbox of the right recipients instead of spam folders.

If your marketing emails are not reaching the right people, you cannot get the results you want. For that, you must find the best SMTP server provider for email marketing. Besides SMTP, some other things you need to focus on to improve deliverability includes:

Keep Email List Updated: Regularly check your email list thoroughly and remove the IDs that are no longer available. This will reduce spam complaints and increase deliverability rate.

Use Segmentation: Prepare different lists depending on the behavior of your target audience to boost response rates. For example, if someone is living Delhi wouldn’t want know about free delivery in Bangalore. So, segment your email list based on the age, interests, and demographics of the target audience.

Use Presonalization: Personalization is the best way to increase open rates and generate leads. Customize the subject lines, email body, or even CTA can increase engagement and build trust in your brand. 

2. Focus on Creating Mobile Friendly Emails

It won’t be wrong to say that more people use their smartphones to read emails on the go rather than desktops. Hence, if the emails you are sending are not responsive, the performance of your email marketing campaign will go down. 

According to several studies, around 45% of marketing emails are opened on mobile devices. So, you can imagine how it would impact your email marketing performance if your emails are not mobile friendly. Here are three important things to be considered with mobile friendly email design:

  • You must focus on creating responsive email designs so that the email can be viewed properly irrespective of the screen size.
  • Keep subject lines short so that mobile users are able to see them completely and understand the purpose of the email.
  • Moreover, creating a bigger and easily clickable CTA will help increase conversions.

3. Focus on Quality Rather Than Quantity

When it comes to sending marketing emails, it is always a better idea to send the content that your audience wants to see. Just to show yourself in their inbox, if you keep sending unnecessary emails, either you will be marked as spam or people will unsubscribe you. 

Regardless of what others say, shift your focus on sending the most relevant and valuable emails. Moreover, keep the quantity low, say once in a week or twice in a week. Not more than this. This will also help you build a healthy email list and increase the conversion rate. 

Remember, good brands deliver value to their target audience by only providing the information they need. This is why they grow faster than their competitors. 

Another important point that needs consideration here is tell people what they don’t know rather than what they already know. 

4. Build Your Email List

It is seen with most businesses, especially when they are starting out. They buy email lists as they do not have a healthy database in the starting. Well, having a large number of contacts in a go might sound tempting but it can backfire quickly. You never know the quality of the list you are purchasing. Also, this is an unethical practice when it comes to Email Marketing.

Starting slow and building your own email list is always the key to long term success. Here’s how you can do that:

Opt-in Forms: Place these forms of your website and social media pages to allow interested users subscribe easily. Here, you’ll get the information of people that are actually interested in your products/services.

Landing Pages: Creating a landing page with a relevant information and a clear call to action is another effective way to build your email list. 

Contests and Giveaways: You can host contests and giveaways on social media channels or website with a small form to get the information of your target audience. 

Discounts and Offers: Another proven way of getting emails is to provide discounts or freebies in exchange of emails. 

Building an email marketing list this way will generate better results compared to the paid one. It is a proven method of creating a healthy email list and boost email campaign performance.

5. Test, Test, & Test

We must say that digital marketing efforts majorly rely on A/B testing. You cannot assure what will work without testing and analyzing results. The goes same for email marketing campaigns.

You need to keep testing different versions of your email copies to identify which delivers the best results. A/B testing is the key to improve email marketing results. From subject lines to message body and color combination to CTA button styles, you need to try different versions to identify which versions delivers the best.

If you have segmented email lists, then you might have to create different versions for all lists. As one version might work excellently for audience between 18-30 years of age but not for those above 30 years. So, keep testing different versions by optimizing your emails and you’ll see the results improving.


About the author

Varun Rastogi

I am a professional digital marketer with over 6+ years of working experience in the digital marketing field. Having worked in SEO, SMM, PPC, and other areas, I know how to bring your brand to the top of the web.

I have worked across many sectors with a special focus on initiating growth and increasing online presence. Always enshrined in the online environment, I still explore even more opportunities for companies in the digital environment.

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